35th MD308 Lions Convention & 21st MD308 Lioness Forum @ Century Mahkota Hotel, Malacca 17th-20th April 1997

After a lapse of 10 years, historical Malacca was once again chosen to host the 35th MD308 Lions Convention. 

I attended this convention as a district governor candidate. I was the only one bidding for that position, being a Vice District Governor.  Still, my hope was to obtain a 100% 'yes' vote from the delegates. Meanwhile, my Home Club Members were prepared for the hospitality booth in a grand scale. 

On 18/4/1997, the congregation point of the Convention Parade was held at “Melaka Sound & Light” stand. It kicked off with a colourful morning parade in the heart of Malacca.

The follow-up ‘Historical Walk’ was 3 kilometres long and it made the Malaysia Book of Records. 
A long procession of 35 Lion Dance troupes, 35 trishaws including the marching band, Bunga Manggar groups, Silat Displays, Indian and Kuda Kepang Dances, and several Bullock Carts moved along the long and winding roads of Malacca. The Malaccans, visitors, and tourists lined up the roads to welcome the Lions. It was the most memorable event I have ever experienced. 

The police were on hand to control the traffic as the VIPs were taken for a joy ride in decorated trishaws to the opening venue. School bands in their smart uniform attire led the way with marching tunes and dances. Multiple Lion dance troupes performed for the 1,500 Lions delegates. A roaring welcome and tribute for the Lions!  

The sheer size of the delegates made it impossible for all to congregate in one big hall. So, several venues were allocated.
The opening plenary session and the banquet were held at S.M. Pay Fong Hall. District 308A and 308B had their Conventions at Century Ballroom at Hotel Century Mahkota and Imperial Garden respectively. The closing ceremony was held at Century Mahkota Hotel. 

I was grateful to my campaign team for their ceaseless campaigning. During the two days of the Convention, I hosted an open house and invited Lions delegates to my hotel suite for fellowship. The support was tremendous and we entertained the guests with spirit and finger food till the wee hours!

Before the election, an open dialogue session was conducted to allow the delegates to “grill” and assess the candidates. Question after question was put forward to me about my future plans as a DG. In hindsight, I honestly feel that my 35 years of experience as a Lion in various designations proved to be the clincher!

The DG candidate and the VDG candidates were invited on stage before the election result was announced. 

After the election, it was finally announced that the delegates had given me the full mandate to be the DG of District 308B. It was a Cloud Nine moment for me! 
At the closing plenary ceremony, I was invited to the rostrum to give my acceptance speech. My wife, Lucy also presented a speech in support.

The evening's banquet was as exciting. The nyonya performance highlighted the evening. 

I was elected as the District Governor for the fiscal year 1997-1998 at the convention in Malacca, a state which is now most endearing to me.
Another historic decision was the unanimous resolution by the delegates to bifurcate the two sub-districts of 308A and 308B into four sub-districts under the MD308. 
The resolution would take effect during the following year’s convention giving me the honor to be the Immediate Past DG for two districts. This significant decision indicated that our Lions movement had grown in leaps and bounds, and bifurcation was unavoidable.

At this Convention in Malacca, International Director Paul Fan was the representative from Lions Clubs International. He was present with his wife, Mary. Council Chairman Dr. Chin Yoon Hiap appointed Lion Johnson Tay as the Convention Organising Committee Chairman. Meanwhile, Lioness Goh Keat Choo from Subang Jaya was tasked to organize the Lioness Forum. The current District Governors then were Chin Siew Gim, and Leong A Sam who chaired their own sub-district 308A and 308B respectively.

The DG/VDG Elect Training School

The MD308 School for DG-elect and VDG-elect was held at Century Hotel Mahkota, Malacca, the following day after the convention.

The panel speakers were past governors and they briefed us about our trip and provided us the latest information on air flights and hotel stays. We would be meeting about 750 DGs-elect from around the world and their spouses/ companions. In Philadelphia, we would attend seminars for three days before the 80th LCI Convention starting on June 30, 1997

We would attend several seminar events including the Opening Ceremony, the Spouse/Companion Sessions, all general sessions, the Closing Session, and the Celebration Banquet. At the seminar registration, we would be given a packet containing DGE Seminar and Convention program books, name badges, invitations to receptions, and other useful materials. The convention program book would list the events and include the time and the location of each.  It was an elaborate briefing of what to expect and we were ready for the trip to Philadelphia. 

Concluding my sharing, I would say that the convention was exhilarating and the week was exhausting, but it was all worthwhile for the sake of Lionism. 

Standing next to me was Michael Tham, the Incoming DG for District 308B2 fy 1999-2000

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