Lions Play Centre

A landmark project is all-important as it leaves the “Lion” imprint that others could emulate. We searched for a landmark project to mark the club’s charter anniversary. 

It would be a wonderful way to commemorate the visit of our sister clubs. We would of course initiate a joint project with our twin sister clubs.
Thankfully, the City Council generously provided us a small piece of land at the MBPP Youth Park where we could build a play centre. The project which cost RM15,000.00 was a princely sum then and was the only project of its kind in Penang. 

The Play Centre covered an area of 1,400 sq. ft. It would provide the youth with a simple sheltered space for free and they could carry out various indoor recreational activities such as table tennis and scrabble. The centre could also be used as a multi-purpose hall to conduct lectures, forums, parties, and other activities.
On November 3, 1978, we had an opening ceremony of the Lions Play Centre at Penang Youth Park to commemorate the Club’s 16th Charter Anniversary. Lions from Sister Clubs in LC Adelaide Light (Australia), LC Bangkok Dusit (Thailand), LC Castle Peak (Hong Kong), LC Makati Central (Philippines), LC Taipei Northwest (Taiwan) and LC Urawa Nishi (Japan) attended. We were deeply honoured by the presence of the overseas Lions and called it a joint project with these six clubs. As per the Lions Charter, we were proud to do our bit in promoting better international understanding.


Projects to help the disadvantaged groups required funding. So we had to organise several fundraising events to that end. Among the more successful events was a charity premiere screening at the old Cathay Cinema along  Penang Road

We had invited Y.A.B. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee, the Chief Minister of Penang to add glamour to the event. We were truly delighted as generous Penangites bought all the tickets to the show. We SOLD OUT!

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  MY JOURNEY AS A LION MEMBER The Lions Clubs are doing great community service and promoting better understanding amongst people worldwid...