It was the most unforgettable and momentous year of my life when I was elected the District Governor, District 308B (1997-1998) at the 35th MD 308 Lions Convention at Mahkota Hotel, Malacca on 17-20 April 1997. 

Having said that, it had also been, without a doubt, a most challenging and strenuous year; a year which called for great personal sacrifice, sheer dedication, self-discipline, and tolerance. Here, I must add that I was truly blessed to have my beloved wife, Lucy, with me as a fortress of support and boundless encouragement.

Lionism has thrown down the gauntlet for me to be District Governor and I accepted it and worked very, very hard to uphold the leadership entrusted to me. Despite all these challenges and the occasional “road bumps”, I never regretted it one bit. In fact, I savoured every moment of my role.

As a District Governor, my role was to represent the International Association of Lions Clubs.  I had the privilege of appointing Lion members who were dedicated, committed, and selfless, to be in my cabinet. These Lions would assist me in my daunting task of administrating the whole district. With such a great team at hand, my role as District Governor had been thoroughly rewarding, meaningful, and enjoyable.

I had to administer the district and visit Lions Clubs in all corners of Peninsular Malaysia. What marvels me was the opportunity to see places I had never set foot on and more importantly, to meet fellow Lions whom I had never met! - people whom I had corresponded with or spoken to on the phone earlier. As always, I received warm receptions and cemented life-long friendships. Such was the inherent beauty of Lionism!

My visits were meaningful and productive as I was able to observe how the various Lions clubs conducted their meetings. In fact, I participated in their meetings and fellowship gatherings.  I was also able to attend their projects and activities, and be one of them!  A golden opportunity to meet up with fellow Lions and to feel the warm Lion camaraderie in each and every town. And most importantly, to serve the community with humility, kindness, and a good heart!!

District 308B had 92 Lions clubs. The greatest challenge was to officially visit all the Lions clubs within the fiscal year 1997-1998; from Perlis in the north down to Johore in the south.  Ten months was all I had to complete these club visits! Besides, other functions were a-calling such as the inauguration of the cabinet officers, cabinet meetings, OSEAL meetings, multiple district conventions and sub-conventions, and other conferences.

Looking back on my term as District Governor, I was fortunate to have chosen the right cabinet officers who were solid pillars of support, commitment, and dedication. Together, we set out to implement the vision, mission, and objectives that I have mapped out and I am proud to say that we were able to fulfill this enormous roadmap.  In a nutshell, my trusted team attended four cabinet meetings and they faithfully accompanied me throughout my travels, be it at club visits, projects, or functions. My team had given their precious time selflessly and we shared many, many joyous moments together.  I salute each and every one of you!

To paraphrase Nat King Cole:  “ … unforgettable, in every way; and forever more, that’s how you’ll stay”

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