Celebrating the Club’s 15th Charter Anniversary & Signing the Sisterhood Alliance Ceremony.  

The LC of George Town was chartered on 14 January 1964.  And we have reached our 16th Charter AnniversaryIt had been a tradition for the 1st Vice President to organise the Club’s Anniversary Celebrations annually. And it was Lion Danny Teoh Ming Liang's turn to be the Organising Chairman. The members wanted the 16th Charter Celebrations to be truly grand and memorable. As such, we decided to invite our international Sister Clubs to attend our week-long activities.

The best news was that our beloved Prime Minister has consented to be our Guest of Honour. Y.A.B. Tunku Abdul Rahman is an Honorary Member and his presence would certainly add a touch of glamour to our event. The evening’s programme included the Signing Ceremony of Sisterhood Alliances between our club and Lions Club of Hong Kong Castle Peak and Lions Club of Adelaide Light.

Reminiscing this momentous occasion, I remember being seated next to the Tunku. All of us were quite nervous, obviously. Who wouldn’t be? The great statesman soon put all of us at ease with his genuineness, easy-going nature, and magnetic personality.  He spoke off the cuff and on several occasions, Tunku had us in stitches with jokes about his overseas trips. Tunku was also interested in what we have done in our efforts To lend a helping hand to those in need. In short, the Tunku’s presence added an extra oomph to our celebrations!

I still remember with great fondness YAB Tunku’s genuineness, easy-going nature, and magnetic personality.)

Breakfast Meeting and more fellowship.

Photo courtesy of Lion Chuah Guan Leong

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